Aug 22

Youtube Tutorials

I have a maths exam next week and I was having trouble with double integrals. A friend told me there were a couple of pretty good video tutorials on YouTube explaining how it works. It appears the guy who made those has a huge list of tutorials explaining all kinds of things related to mathematics, you can check it out by clicking here.

I’m also working on a new project along with a friend, it’s called VGsave. We’re going to try and make an archive of video game saves. Still working on eveything though, it’s not functional yet, but feel free to take a look at

Aug 21

Even games aren’t typo/text error proof

As as I was playing Tales of Symphonia today, I encountered a small text bug / error / typo in one of the dialogs during an event. Luckily I was playing with video output on my pc so I could take a decent screenshot of it with Dscaler. Check it out:

Tales of Symphonia bug

Aug 18

Thoughts of the day

So, exams are closing in and I think I should do OK this time. I’m kinda getting sick of studying all day long… I gave up an hour ago or so and started gathering the script and events of Earthbound for the port to our SVO game engine. Still got a looooong way to go but it’s a start.

What’s up with Facebook group invites by the way? I invited some people to the “Ram Sabam” group and got this message “The following people won’t get your invitation straight away, but they will soon.” What is soon in their opinion? Weird, I tell you! Anyways, do join the group and sign their petition, Sabam is somewhat like BREIN in Holland and the RIAA in the US.

I really need to get new guitar strings, I haven’t played guitar in almost a week :( that’s something for Thursday after the exam.

You know what I found out recently, with the neighbors a bit down the street? They’ve got a baby who’s about 10 months old or so and man, whenever I see her I can’t stop smiling o.o this usually happens all the time when I see a baby. It’s weird to see how they influence me so much, guess their joy of being a baby and being careless transfers a bit to me. Whenever I’m around a kid I’m in a happy mood :)

But enough ranting, I’ma go watch another episode of “The Universe”.