I continued working on the XBee api frame (or packet, whatever you want to call it) analyzer and decided I should probably move on to something more suited for a computer program. I chose Java as I’ve had some classes on it in Uni, however the layout manager is still something I dislike as it took me quite a while to get a decent layout working (and it’s still a bit weird). I’m using the RXTX library to communicate with the COM port (Arduino does the same).
Here’s a screenshot of version 0.1 which can show you all incoming frames concerning sampling. I’ve used Java so I could make it crossplatform, however I’ll probably switch over to C# as building a decent GUI is easier as well as it has native support for COM ports and unsigned byte which Java does not (luckily a “signdByte & 0xFF” does the trick).
And lastly a short video of the program in action:
Once the program has some more functionality I’ll make it public. In case you would like to take a peek at the source code let me know.
I just read your article and it is very interesting to me. I also have few XBees S2 and I am trying to monitor the network. It would be nice if you can share your code with me. It may facilitate my work.
Thanks in advance,
So far it can only read incoming status data, and it IS kinda buggy, you can find it at http://www.theskyway.net/wp-content/uploads/xbeep.rar, hope it can help you!
Any update available; also some guidance on using the application. It looks very nice and a usefull tool.
So far the only thing it can do is receive the status packets, at the moment I don’t have any plans to update it as I had to return the XBees once the project was finished so I can’t test.